Sunday, 14 April 2013

Batman party!

I have to apologise for no Ripple-a-long update this week .... I have done NO rows!!! oops! I promise I will definitely get back on track this week though ... if for no other reason that it is rolled up on the floor next to my bed and I trip on it almost every time I get up! lol!
However, I have been busy planning my boy's 7th birthday party, so I have some photos to share ...
This is the cake I made on his actual birthday when my parents and in-laws came over for tea. My first proper go at using fondant to make the decorations - lots of fun and A2 had fun sitting and playing with play-doh while I played with the fondant!

Favor boxes - for girls and boys :)

 Ready to go.....
 My superheroes! A2's costume is from a couple of years ago, I added a cape to the shoulders and a 'logo' to the front of a long sleeve onesie (she added the tutu when she got dressed!). A3 is wearing a onesie with a red singlet over the top to which I had sewn a square of felt to the shoulders (a little bit gathered to create a cape look) and then I created the 'Robin' logo and stitched it to the front = boy wonder! and A1 (birthday boy!) is wearing the costume he received as a gift!
 Cakes and biscuits - bat and superhero shield shaped biscuits (really recommend Bisk-Art for shaped cookie cutters! Awesome prices and service. the cutters were packaged so carefully for posting too!)
 The Batman rag quilt! I only started it last Sunday night, so I was pretty impressed I had it finished and ready for Thursday morning!
 And it was covering a Lego table! This table was made by gluing 4 baseplates (Liquid nails) to an $8.95 IKEA table! Awesome price and he is stoked to be able to build on a sturdy surface instead of on a carpeted floor.
 A2 with the card she made for her big brother! 7 logos stamped because he was turning seven!
 Cake for the party - more fun with fondant!
I used an oval fondant cutter to cut small ovals first then a scalpel to cut out the bits to create the bat shape.
so, that's what I have been up to this week! Hope you like the pictures and would love to hear your thoughts :)

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Catch up photos

I managed to get the photos off my phone! Yay! Even better, it was me that figured it out, hubby kept saying I needed new software, but no, I just needed to tell the phone to connect (although I had to go looking in the menus to figure this out!)
Anyway, I have already shared my updated photo of my ripple blanket, but here is one of the taggie blanket I made .....

And the dress for A2 .....

My sewing of clothes needs some improvement (and perhaps using a proper pattern might help? lol!) but they look okay and she is happy with them, so that's the main thing.

And lastly these are a couple of baby boy cards I have made. One to send to my friend with the new baby boy and one for my 'box' of cards to be ready to send .... in my aim to be better organised!

Monday, 8 April 2013


Sorry, I have been a bit slack on here lately. My little man was very grumpy in the evenings and nights last week (tooth popped through on Saturday, yay!) and then on Saturday hubby and I succumbed to the colds the kids had been trying to share with us :(
I have also been spending some time preparing for the upcoming birthday party! Can't believe my big boy is turning 7! Batman party accessories are all sorted and then I decided last night to go ahead and make the Flannel Rag quilt with the Batman flannel I had bought (with some matching plain flannel) .... smart idea to do this when my head was foggy and it was already 8pm! I did manage to get it all cut and pieced, and am about halfway through snipping the edges - my fingers needed a break, hence the blog post! I will share some pictures next weekend after the party.
Anyway, here is an update photo on my Ripple blanket ...
It's 3/4 the way there, I don't think I will get anything done this week though, but then I will be getting stuck into it as I would like to have it done by the end of the school holidays ... then I can start the next blanket!

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

No photos!

I have happily got a few things finished today but I took pictures on my new phone and now can't figure out how to get them onto the computer to upload! Argh! It tells me I need new software, but times out when I try to download it and then can't seem to connect as a disk drive. Thinking I may have to get hubby to check it out for me tomorrow as he is at work right now, so I'll have to get back to you with photos .... but I'll let you know what I have been up to ....
I made a little taggie blanket for a friend's new baby boy. It's flannel on both sides and I used a piece of iron on pellon on each piece so it was a little thicker and after I top-stitched the edges, I also stitched his first initial 'J' in the centre to add a little bit of 'quilting'. I was really pleased with the end result and think I will make some more of these in the future. Oh, and I also made a card to go with it :)
I also finally finished a dress I began to make for A2 last winter! It's a pinafore style and in pinwhale cord, silly me though thought maybe I could make it reversible and used a plain cord to line it, but I just couldn't get the hem right so I have ended up using binding to stitch around the bottom edge. It's not too bad, but just not really what I wanted, and of course has now ended up being a bit long ... maybe that means it will last her until next year too though?! Oh well!
There were also a couple of other cards I have made for upcoming birthdays and of course my Ripple-A-long blanket! It's slowly growing :) Off to keep working on it now, hope to be able to share some pics with you soon ...