Thursday, 18 July 2013

First Christmas Project for 2013!

Yes, I have started a Christmas project! (please don't ask why I haven't concentrated on finishing one of the other zillion projects already underway!! lol! It's just what I do!!)
After checking out this lovely table runner by Samelia's Mum the other day I decided to have a go and to use it to try machine quilting too. My machine isn't fancy, and I am not all that crash hot on the straight neat stitching, so we shall see how that bit goes soon, but for now, here is my pieced top

Not too bad and all from my stash, so that is a good thing. The instructions were really easy too and I think I may add it to my list of projects for other leftover fabrics, non-Christmas themed. I hope to also have a go at the Snowball Topper too and use the same Christmas fabrics so they will kind of match and they can be for the hall stand and the coffee table at Christmas. If I can get the wall hanging don that I mentioned last post, then I will have that to match too with them all using the same selection of fabrics .... well, that's the plan! ;)
Have a great week! K x

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

July plans ....

Well, I have a few plans, but of course the school holidays take up the middle 2 weeks of July, and we are half way through them already, so I am not sure how successful I will be at completing all my plans. We shall see .....
Knitting/Crochet: Still going on the jumper. Started a cardigan for A2 and a Larksfoot blanket for my Grandpa (in his footy team colours for Father's day)
Sewing: Still need to piece that cowboy quilt, then quilt it and the foursquare quilt that has been basted for a few months now! oops! Need to make some fruit shaped beanbags for A3's birthday games too.
Papercraft: Preparations for the little guys birthday with some food signs and drink labels and maybe some thank you notes to have ready to send out soon after.
So, not too much really! ROFL!!! sure!!!
I was also checking out the And Sew We Craft Christmas in July Linky party and I have seen a couple of nice table toppers/runners (thanks Samelia's Mum!) and I know I have a stash of Christmas fabric from *cough, cough* 13 years ago! Actually that is another UFO guilty secret! I have a Christmas quilt/wallhanging that I started at a one-day workshop in 2000 and finally finished pieceing about 3 years later .... and yet it is still not quilted and bound! Something else to add to my list ;)
Anyway, I think I might give one of those projects a go to use up some fabric and also to try machine quilting on them. I usually handquilt because I am not sure I can sew straight enough for machine quilting, but on a small project I might be okay. It might be a nice gift for someone too. And there is also this lovely wallhanging from Blossom Heart Quilts that I might add to my list too ....
All right, that's all  from me, back soon to let you know how I am progressing!

PS I will also be doing the July block for the Modern Blocks QAL too! I haven't forgotten that one!

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

He is VERY cute!

Something I did get finished last week!

Yes, I made him a very hungry caterpillar beanie! I used a beanie pattern I have used before (2 strands of 8ply to make it chunky and warm) and then adapted some free instructions I found online to create the eyes, nose and antennae. Lots of fun and this photo featured on his birthday invitation too. I will also be creating a few other VHC themed things in the next month, so I hope to share them too.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Knitting update

Slowly, slowly! I have finished the back of the jumper and an almost up to the shaping on the front, yay! I decided to do the jumper not the jacket so I had one less 'piece' to knit and also no band with buttonholes ;)
Here is a photo of it from last week, so it is a little longer now.
I know it is going to look nice when it is done, but I can certainly see why the pattern is marked 'P' ... for patience!!! the pattern is certainly time consuming! I will keep plodding along, though with the hope my little guy will still fit into it when it is done!